Bike News

Planning for 2050: Public meetings for the Regional Transportation Plan 2050

Three open houses will be held to discuss the 2050 Regional Transportation Plan for the Madison metro area.

Madison: Wednesday March 2, 4:30-7:00 pm, Urban League of Greater Madison, 2222 S Park St
Verona: Thursday, March 3, 2016 4:30-7:00 pm. City of Verona Fire Station, 101 Lincoln Street
Sun Prairie: Monday, March 7, 2016 4:30-7:00 pm. Sun Prairie Municipal Building (City Hall), 300 E Main St

Hopefully by 2050 I’ll still be riding my bike—maybe it will be one of those riderless bikes that everybody talks about so much these days. In any case, long-range transportation planning for the greater Madison area is important, and it’s important to make sure that getting around by bike conveniently and comfortably is part of that plan. In early March there will be three public meetings about the 2050 Regional Transportation Plan, the “region’s blueprint for future transportation investments, strategies, and actions covering all modes [that] provides the policy direction and framework, which is refined through corridor, mode specific, and strategic studies and plans.” The meetings are organized by the Madison Area Transportation Planning Board, and they will both provide an overview of the issues related to the plan and also an opportunity for the public to provide input. More information about the Regional Transportation Plan can be found on this website.