Bike News

June 2: Join the Madison Bikes Caravan to Clips Beer & Film Tour

The east side contingent of Madison Bikes is planning a casual group ride to the New Belgium Clips Beer & Film Tour (benefiting the Wisconsin Bike Fed) at Olin Park tomorrow, June 2. Departure is at the intersection of South Fair

Oaks Avenue and the Cap City Bike Trail at 6:45pm. More details after the fold or on Facebook.

Join the ‘East Side Bike Caravan’ to Olin Park!

Stop departures will be prompt. We’ll ride on the Cap City Trail the entire route from S. Fair Oaks Ave to Olin Park.

Anybody who misses a stop can join in anywhere along the way!

DEPART 6:45 S. Fair Oaks Ave & Cap City Trail

ARRIVAL 6:52p / DEPART 7:00p Cap City Trail behind Mickey’s Tavern (Thornton St.)

ARRIVAL 7:07p / DEPART 7:20p Cap City Trail at Machinery Row Bicycles (Blair St.)

7:30p ARRIVAL at Olin Park