Bike News

Madison Bikes Calendar Highlights (10/3/16)

Monroe Street Reconstruction Cross-Section Workshop

Last Week

There was some good conversation at Pedestrian/Bicycle/Motor Vehicle Commission about what to do with the suggestions that were received for potential pedestrian/bicycle improvement projects. You can watch the discussion here beginning at 41:00.

After a month off, the Transportation Ordinance Review Ad Hoc Committee reconvened to review Attorney Strange’s draft ordinances proposing the creation of a Transportation Policy and Planning Board, and the recreation of Transit and Parking Commission and Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Motor Vehicle Commission. The committee is weighing the benefits of that 3-body structure (keeping Transit/Parking and Ped/Bike) versus a 2-body structure that folds transit and ped/bike into a singular Transportation Commission. This is fundamental conversation around our transportation planning and implementation systems and will have a big impact on how these issues are managed going forward.

At Wingra School on Thursday, attendees had an opportunity to share their ideas at the Monroe Street Reconstruction: Cross Section Workshop. Based on the cross-section designs offered up by attendees, it looks like almost all groups favored removal of the rush-hour travel lane in favor of a turn lane to increase pedestrian safety crossing the street and the majority of the proposed cross-sections also included bike lanes with some removal of on-street parking. The city will be taking that feedback and doing some modeling in order to come up with draft cross sections for further consideration. These will be presented on October 27, 6:00-7:30 PM at the Cross Section Open House.

This Week

Bike the Art Tour

The Madison Bikes Board of Directors has it’s monthly meeting on Monday followed by a Winter Bike Fashion Show planning meeting. On Saturday, consider joining the second Bike the Art tour leaving from the Allen Centennial Garden at 12:45pm.