Bike News

Madison Bikes Calendar Highlights (10/16/17)

Last Week

Congratulations to Badger Rock Middle School on winning the “Riding for Focus” grant. The grant provides 20 bikes to incorporate into the school’s curriculum to get kids moving. You can read more in this Cap Times article.

This Week

Monday: Come to the Madison Bikes Events Committee meeting at 6:00 at Barriques on Atwood. Preparations for the Winter Bike Fashion Show will be on tap. Read more about how you can help out here.

Tuesday: The Common Council meeting will be very focused on budget deliberations. Among the items up for discussion is funding of the new Director of Transportation position. Mayor Soglin said that he thinks a Director could be in place sometime after July 1 of next year.

On Thursday, there will be a mock public meeting as part of a capstone course for UW Madison Engineering students. They’ve been working on a Park and Bike project. Stop in and help them with their project and perhaps some of your feedback can make its way back to city staff.

Saturday: Baltazar will be back in town and leading another run of El Tour de la Familia Latina – The Tour of the Latino Family.

For details on any of these events, head to the Madison Bikes calendar. If you have an event that you’d like added, send the details to