Newsletter Weekly Update

Bike to School, Lets Talk Streets – Midvale

After a weekend of wet blustery weather, we can look forward to some sunshine starting on Wednesday this week. This is the first week of May when many area schools participate in a Bike and Walk to School event. Walking and biking are excellent ways to build healthy habits, a cleaner environment and promote accessible transportation options. Introducing kids to biking at an early age can have a lifelong impact. Reach out to us or Safe Route to School Dane County for assistance planning a bike to school event in your community.

This Week


Participate in National Bike and Roll to School Day on Wednesday, May 3rd. Walking and biking are excellent ways to build healthy habits, a cleaner environment and promote accessible transportation options. Pick a safe route, wear a helmet and ride to school with your class mates. Local resources are available through Safe Route to School Dane County. We encourage you to register your school or neighborhood event to the Bike and Walk to School nationwide database.

“Let’s Talk Streets” for Midvale Blvd north of Mineral Point to University Ave meets Wednesday, May 3 at 6 PM on Zoom. This public input meeting is focuses on the gathering input about the transportation needs of the community. This is a city wide effort to shift the focus of our transportation system beyond cars to also prioritize bikes, pedestrians and transit. I highly encourage you to attend if you would like to see more alternative modes of transportation.


Madison Bike Week sponsors Wheel & Sprocket would like to invite you to a grand re-opening celebration of their Middleton location on Friday, May 5th from 4-7pm. All are welcome for a short “chain cutting ceremony” at 4:30pm and food & drinks to follow.

Other Items of Interest

Student Bicycle Assistant Job

The University of Wisconsin is looking for students to staff the University Bicycle Resource Center (UBRC). Some bike repair knowledge is desired but not required.

The Wingra Path closure

This weekend a significant portion of the Wingra Creek Path is closed for resurfacing between Olin Ave and John Nolen Dr. The path is expected to reopen by May 16th.

Bike Week Registration Open

Madison Bike Week June 3-10 is fast approaching. If your organization would like to participate in bike week, please go to our Bike Week page to register your event. There’s a short form to fill out, and we’ll get it up on the event calendar and promote it. Classes, group rides, commuter stations, discounts, music, poetry, art exhibits, and anything else you can think about is welcome.

As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.

Thanks to our sponsors who make our events possible!

Newsletter Weekly Update

New Council is a chance to make an impression

Say hello to your alder

Now that alders have taken office, we should feel free to introduce ourselves and offer to be a resource on issues on which you feel strongly, say bicycling and/or transportation in general, land use, road safety, environmental issues, the need to physical activity, etc. 

This is especially true if you have a new alder or there are specific issues in your neighborhood. As the weather gets nicer, maybe offer to go for a bike ride through the district and look at locations that are either very good or very bad for biking. 

Alders can’t be experts on everything, and you can provide that knowledge. Plus, it’s a great way to feel out whether your alder will be an ally on issues you care about and if we can count on their support. 

You can find out who your (new) alder is and how to contact them on the Council page. If you have any questions about how to talk to your alder or point out problem areas, please let the Madison Bikes board know. We can help you make that contact and speak knowledgeably.  

Construction, oh what a mess

As we’ve mentioned on our Facebook Community discussion and in last week’s update, the path that runs along University Ave is going to be closed for several months. Officially, there is a detour starting at Shorewood Blvd, if you are headed east, that sends you through Shorewood Hills and to the north of all the hospitals before linking up with the path again at Highland. That’s a long detour, so consider your origin and destination and see if you can find a better route. South of University is one option.

East Washington BRT construction has that street messed up as well, down to either one or two lanes, depending on the block, direction of travel, and time of day. And while E Wash isn’t used by a ton of bicyclists, the construction has pushed drivers onto other streets and also made a mess of some cross streets.

Ah, construction season in Wisconsin.

The week ahead


Bike Fitchburg monthly meeting, 7:00-8:30 pm at Wheel & Sprocket, 2970 Cahill Main

In April we will meet at the Fitchburg location of Platinum Bicycle Friendly Business Wheel & Sprocket. We are grateful to general manager Julien Mathie for hosting us!
In 2023 we will meet in-person each month at one of Fitchburg’s Bicycle Friendly Businesses. As arrangements are finalized we will update these invitations. Meetings will be from 7 to 8:30pm on the fourth Monday of each month except December.


Transportation Commission will consider the list of projects submitted for consideration as part of the Safe Streets Madison policy. Agenda and link to watch here.

You can take a look at the list and also notice how they are scored. Projects of this sort previously seemed to be picked based on which neighborhood group or the number of interested people showed up and pleaded for a project. Obviously, this favored well-organized neighborhoods and people with the time and access to show up at city meetings. 

The system has now been changed to try to be more equitable and strategic, and to try to address locations that will have the biggest impact for the most people that really need it.

Points are assigned based on whether a project is in an area or location that: 

  • Is part of the High Injury Network
  • Has a gap in the bike network
  • Has a gap in the pedestrian network

The proposed solution then gets points based on impact on:

  • Safety
  • Addressing gaps in the bike network
  • Addressing gaps in the pedestrian network
  • Environmental justice or social vulnerability inequities

After scoring the location and the possible impacts of the proposed solution, the combined score is then divided by the cost of the project to come up with recommendations for projects for the new year. 

Looking for a job?

A few interesting jobs have been posted that might be of interest to Madison Bikes members. 

Communications Coordinator for the League of American Bicyclists. Based in DC, but a possibility of working remotely. 

Madison Transportation Demand Management Coordinator Help make sure that new developments meet the new TDM requirements to incentivize not driving and reduce single occupancy vehicle travel. This is a great opportunity to shape travel and help those building in the city to build less parking, have fewer car trips among residents and employees, and improve multimodal travel. 

Reminder: Bike Week events registration is now open

Just a reminder that you can register an event for Bike Week — June 3-10 — on the Bike Week page. There’s a short form to fill out, and we’ll get it up on the calendar and promote it. Classes, group rides, commuter stations, discounts, music, poetry, art exhibits, and anything else you can think about is welcome.

As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.

Newsletter Weekly Update

John Nolen Drive funding; Bike Week; University Ave detour

Our board member Robbie (right) at the press conference announcing federal funding for the John Nolen Drive project

It was a big week for John Nolen Drive: On Wednesday, the Transportation Commission for the first time was asked for feedback on the proposed rebuild of the causeway and the intersections with North Shore Drive and Broom St (meeting video). And then on Thursday the city announced that they had received a $15 million grant from the federal government to fund the project. This injection of money means the project can actually move forward within the project timeline. Madison Bikes had sent a letter of support when the city had requested the funding back in September.

Now that funding is in place, it is crucial that the design of the project takes into account the needs of people walking and biking, and places safety over considerations such as motor vehicle delay. On the same day that the Transportation Commission discussed the project, news reports shed new light on the crash that killed Tom Heninger as was he was crossing John Nolen at North Shore by bike: The driver who killed Tom allegedly drove between 59 and 63 mph (the speed limit is 35 mph), entered the intersection after the light had turned red, and was holding a phone in his hand. We must ask of any design: How will it contribute to preventing senseless death and injury at this location?

You can provide input on the design through this survey: Take the John Nolen Drive Survey. You can find some helpful background in this video, as well as last week’s newsletter.

Madison Bike Week is coming!

Madison Bikes logo with a stylized person riding a cargo bike. In the cargo bike there are two children and a dog.

Madison Bike Week will be from June 3 to 10 this year!

There are plenty of ways to get involved with Madison Bike Week! We’ll keep posting updates here and on Facebook.

Registration for Bike Week events is open now. Some things you can do:

  • Host an event: Set up a tent outside and offer treats to people on bikes, or offer bike checks, or other fun activities! Invite your community, your staff, your customers to come along and celebrate together. Consider partnering with other business or community organizations.
  • Offer deals and benefits to people riding during this week.
  • Host a group bike ride! Do you already run a weekly ride? Awesome – add it to the calendar for the week!
  • Run a non-profit table at our end of week party on Friday, June 9th.

If you are interested in hosting an event or otherwise participating with your organization or business, sign up here:

University Ave bike detour

Detour sign on the Blackhawk Path

The University Ave construction project is entering yet another phase, and that phase included closing a section of the Blackhawk Path/Campus Drive bike path. Starting on April 19, the path will be closed between Marshall Court and Highland Ave. There is an official detour signed and mapped:

As you can see, the detour is not the most direct option and includes high-stress roadways like Highland Ave. Depending on your origin and destination, other options may make more sense (thanks to our community for some of these suggestions).

  • If you’re coming from the west on the path and want to get across University Ave to the Kendall Bike Boulevard, this is best done at the Marshall Ct/Ridge St intersection. The intersection is signalized and you can go straight through.
  • You may be tempted to ride on Marshall Court and then cut through the VA Hospital’s parking lot to Highland. However, that is not a public through street.
  • If you want to avoid the whole area and take the scenic route, ride on Lake Mendota Dr and then take the Lakeshore Path into central campus (but be aware that there will be construction on Lake Mendota Drive as well)

Our Facebook group also has a useful thread for other detour options.

Meet the Parking Utility Manager

Parking and parking policy don’t always get the attention that they deserve. But setting a framework on how a city provides, required, and charges for car parking can have a great impact on how people move throughout the city. Our friends from Madison is for People invited the city’s new parking utility manager, Stefanie Cox, to their Transportation Committee (TC) meeting this month on Monday, April 17th at 8pm.

Join us and listen in as we learn about parking in Madison, discuss her vision for the role, and chat about potential changes and improvements to the status quo. Unlike our regular meetings, we will be hosting the TC meeting over Zoom, so be sure to RSVP here for the meeting link.

E-bike survey

Do you ride an e-bike? People for Bikes, Portland State University, and the University of Tennessee are doing a survey study and are looking for participants. Similar studies have been done by them in 2013 and 2018, and it certainly seems that since then e-bikes have seen a huge boost in popularity. You can take survey at

MTB injury study

Speaking of research: Researchers at UW-Madison just published a study on MTB injuries, based on a survey of members of a local riding club. The main take-away: Novice riders saw injuries more frequently than experienced riders. But the injuries of more experienced riders were more severe. Find the whole study in the Wisconsin Medical Journal (open access).

As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.

Thanks to our sponsors who make our events possible!

Newsletter Weekly Update

Election Results; John Nolen Feedback; Group Ride Updates

Election Results

Thank you to everyone who voted last Tuesday. Local elections determine how invested cities are in safe infrastructure and supportive policies for people walking, biking, or using mobility devices. Your vote is very impactful in these races, as evidenced District 14’s alder race being decided by one vote!

Voters also gave Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway a second four-year term, elected a number of new alderpersons, and approved a referendum to stagger two-year alderperson terms. Take a look at the full results from Tuesday and look back to responses from our February candidate questionnaire.

Transportation Commission

The Transportation Commission is meeting on Wednesday. The agenda includes a discussion of survey results for the John Nolen Drive reconstruction project scheduled to break ground in a few years. Polling from last month showed support for narrowing the roadway as much as possible, widening the path, and improving intersections.

In case you missed it, MadisonForAll has a very well-made video describing the North Shore Dr. part of this project, including frustrations over the city’s reluctance to make any substantial safety and accessibility improvements if they impact driver convenience. The most ambitious option offered by the city for this intersection would increase peak hour vehicle travel time by 35-80 seconds. In the video, city engineering describes this delay as “a pretty significant [negative] impact to the traveling public.” Madison recently committed to prioritizing safety for people walking and biking over driver convenience as part of Complete Green Streets, yet the possibility of a delay lasting less than half of a pop song on a driver’s commute is still described as “significant” in a way that fixing a deadly, heavily utilized pedestrian and bicyclist crossing with no grade-separated alternatives is not.

Recently a new alternative design was included by city engineering that is remarkably similar to the idea proposed by MadisonForAll. The city does not have public feedback for this option (Alt 4b) currently, but you can give it in their survey here. You can also use the comment box to voice opinions about improvements you would like to see presented as alternatives going forward.

Group Rides

It’s Spring! Monday evening you can join the Monday 40 social ride for its second ride of 2023. Tuesday evening is looking great for the Madison Women’s Cycling Club or the Slow Roll Ride. Wednesday evening features the Madison Queer Bike Ride, reach out to their instagram page for details. Saturday is looking nice for Brazen Dropouts’ morning Row Ride. Bombay Bicycle Club is hosting a Spring Member Meeting on Sunday, details here.

As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.

Thanks to our sponsors who make our events possible!

Newsletter Weekly Update

Pedaling Progress: A Spring Roundup of Bike Advocacy Wins and Woes

A lone cyclist rides on the University Ave Bike Path in Madison.
A cyclist on the University Ave Bike Path | Photo by Christo Alexander

Another weekly update is here! It’s time to talk about our favorite delightful, radical, and sustainable transportation method. Here’s what you need to know about the Madison biking world this week.

Spring Election

Tuesday, April 4th is the Spring Election! The results can impact biking, walking, transit, and housing, so it’s really important to get out and make your voice heard. If you haven’t voted by mail yet, you still can still vote in-person on Tuesday. The city website has a page to help you find your nearest polling place.

Waucheeta Bike Trail

In March, Dane County donated $913,000 to construct a new trail between Lake Farm County Park and Waucheeta Tr., West of Lake Waubesa. The trail will connect the Lower Yahara River Trail to the Waubesa Beach neighborhood. The estimated completion is in late 2024 or 2025. While a full bike-friendly or low-stress loop of Waubesa is still a long way off, this is a great step in the right direction.

The approximate location of the trail for which the money has been donated, West of Lake Waubesa in Madison.
The approximate location of the trail for which the money has been donated, West of Lake Waubesa in Madison.

Madison’s Everyday Engineering Podcast

Have you ever wondered what Safe Streets is about? The Madison’s Everyday Engineering podcast has an episode with Traffic and City Engineers to explain how the project works. Take a listen to learn about the feedback from the community and how the city plans to implement the life-saving designs. You can also listen to their most recent episode about the John Nolen redesign project for information on the proposals and next steps. Listen for free here!

Freewheel Closing Sale

Freewheel bike shop in downtown Madison will be closing its doors on June 16th. The shop was truly dedicated to transportation equity and sustainability, and it’s really sad to see it go. Until then, you can still visit for some really good deals on tools, parts, accessories, and complete bikes. The first sale day was Saturday, April 1st, and is scheduled to continue again this Saturday and Sunday from 12-5pm. It’s always best to check their social media for updates.

That’s all for this update! Thank you for being a part of the many individuals and organizations working tirelessly to promote sustainable transportation options in our city. Let’s continue to work together to build a more equitable future for all.

As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.

Thanks to our sponsors who make our events possible!