I hope everybody is enjoying the long weekend. Because of the holiday, this will be a short update.
John Nolen Drive
The design for the rebuilt John Nolen Drive intersection as North Shore Drive was on the Transportation Commission’s agenda last week. A lot of people had submitted written comments in favor of an underpass solution (if you haven’t done so already, read our board member Craig’s post in support of an underpass). But staff made clear that an underpass was not within the scope of the current project and the focus of the meeting was about the at-grade crossing options. Staff presented two options: One that includes a “channelized right turn” (commonly known as a slip lane or multi-stage crossing, “Alt 2”) and a simpler intersection design with direct crossings (“Alt 4”). Neither option would preclude a future underpass.

Both designs had advantages and disadvantages for people walking, biking, and rolling across the intersection in terms of how long it will take to cross, how long one has to wait, and how safe the crossing will likely be. In the end, the Transportation Commission recommended moving forward with the channelized right turn option. Staff and consultants will now work on the details of that design option and bring it back to the Transportation Commission.
Greenbush Safe Street Meeting
The City will be hosting another neighborhood Safe Streets meeting on Wednesday from 6 to 7:30pm.
Streets in the Greenbush Neighborhood have been identified for consideration of safety improvements and improving connections for walking and biking. Streets identified include Drake St and Mills St. This meeting will also be an opportunity to discuss changes on Randall Ave to support the new Metro Transit Route including changes to the traffic calming circle at Vilas Ave and parking changes near the circle.
The meeting is virtual and you can register here: https://cityofmadison.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqc-yupj8qH9Jqzsr_a_DeJ_gtQCvxSLjN
There is also on option to provide written feedback on safety concerns in the area: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LGBLCYF
Madison Bike Week preview
Bike Week is less than a week away! If I’m counting correctly, we are up to 50 events! New events keep coming in, and so if you haven’t checked the full schedule in a while, go take a look: https://www.madisonbikes.org/events/bikeweek-2023/
We have a great mix of events that have been around for many years and new events at new locations. Madison Bikes is hosting a few events:
- On Saturday (June 2), our board member Craig and Alder John Duncan will go on a far west bike infrastructure tour
- On Tuesday, we’re teaming up with Curbside Cycles and the University Hill Farms Neighborhood Association for an afternoon Bike Station at Fire Station #9 (Regent and Midvale)
- On Wednesday morning, join us for a ride with the mayor and a press conference. Followed by a post-ride Coffee on the Square at our wonderful sponsors Wonderstate Coffee
- On Thursday, we ride to Paoli to fetch a keg of beer for…
- …the Friday Madison Bike Week Party at Brittingham Park!
Again, check out the full schedule — I don’t think we’ve had this many events since before the pandemic! Madison Bike Week is a community effort. All this wouldn’t be possible without the support from local businesses, community groups, city staff, volunteers, our great board. And our awesome sponsors!

As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at info@madisonbikes.org to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.
Thanks to our sponsors who make our events possible!