E-Mail Weekly Update

Bike Week Wrap-up, Fall Film Festival

Riders enjoy infrastructure tour during Bike Week

Bike Week Wrap-up

What a week! Organizations from the community put on a mindboggling (86 if you’re counting) number of events.  Mother nature threw a few challenges at us but, overall, events were well attended. Here’s a link from “Portraits on the Bike Path” courtesy of Saris.

Madison Bike Week, 2024 Beth Skogen Photography –

Andy, the “BikeFarmer” gives approval at the vintage bike ride.

Three infrastructure tours illustrated issues relating to current problem areas as well as solutions implemented by the city. The city of Middleton tour included a number of sites with the mayor and alders in attendance. The signal and detection tour had good attendance despite a rain forecast. There was lots of new information this year, so repeaters were not disappointed.  Board member Craig Weinhold lead a tour of south Madison which brought home the issues created by the beltline and railroads and the problems faced by individuals who need to bicycle but can’t do so safely.

Jerry Schippa from the City of Madison shows participants the inner workings of traffic signals.

There was an opportunity to ride with the mayor of Madison at her press conference.  It was great to hear mayor Rhodes-Conway and board member Robbie Webber describe how Madison is becoming a national model.

Madison Bike Week, 2024 Beth Skogen Photography –

Enthusiastic cyclists at the mayor’s press conference ride.

Commuter stations provided bicycle repair, sustenance (e.g. biscuits, bacon)  and learning opportunities.  Bike Week 2024  featured several E-bike events.

A bicyclist’s best friend on  “Ride with the Pack.”

Bike Week participants had opportunities to try out the on-board racks on the new electric “bendy busses” which will be used for BRT.

Several hundred bicyclists had a great time at the Friday party. The beer was transported to the site from the Hop Garden in Paoli in a sustainable manner during “Fetch the Keg” event. Click here to see keg transportation video.

A big thank you to our sponsors, event organizers, the city and those who attended or assisted at events. Looking forward to next year!

Help us make Bike Week even better in 2025

Madison Bikes is interested in your feedback on this year’s Madison Bike Week. No matter if you participated as an attendee, an event organizer, or a sponsor, we’d love to hear from you. Please complete this quick survey, and we’ll use the results to make next year’s Madison Bike Week even better:

Want one of those cool shirts?

They are still available from the Madison Bikes Webstore along with other Madison Bikes T-Shirts. Click on the following link to order:

The Bicycle Film Festival Comes to Madison!! Get Your discounted tickets this week only! 

Bicycle Film Festival is coming to Madison October 3, 6:30 pm at the Barrymore Theatre. 

Bicycle Film Festival has been celebrating bicycles through art, film and music over the last 24 years. BFF spans the world in over 100 cities worldwide to an audience of over one million people. We’re excited to bring the festival to Madison for the first time!

BFF Madison presents a new short film program. These stories will appeal to a wide audience from film connoisseurs to avid cyclists and everyone in between. Curated documentaries, narratives, animations, award-winning directors, and emerging talents – all share equal billing. For lovers of gravel, road cycling, mountain biking, and bike packing, and the advocates who are pushing the bike movement forward in their communities.

This program will take you on a journey around the world featuring: 

  • Kailey Kornhauser and fellow “fat cyclist” Marley Blonsky are on a mission to change the idea that people with larger bodies can’t ride bikes
  • A family gives up everything to be together in their motorhome, traveling from bike park to bike park across Europe
  • The 1900 mile bicycle journey by Erick Cedeno (Bicycle Nomad) retracing the original route of the Buffalo Soldiers
  • A charismatic Ghanaian immigrant in Amsterdam teaches refugee adult women how to ride bikes
  • Cycle sport as relief from genocide (Oscar nominated director)
  • A Diné mountain biker hosts the first ever Enduro race in the Navajo Nation
  • And more…

Check out the trailer here!!: Bicycle Film Festival Madison – Trailer on Vimeo

We are extending the Bike Week 30% discount through Friday, June 14th. Use the code BIKEWEEK2024 to get your discount. 

Get your tickets here:

Gammon Road gets media attention:

The Wisconsin State Journal recently highlighted the safety issues on South Gammon Road. Some safety improvements have been made but many more are needed. Comments are still being accepted and will be reviewed before review of the Final Draft Plan.  Click the following link to access the story:

Bikeway Project Construction

UW Arboretum West Entrance. June 10.  Construction of a 10- foot shared use path connecting Manitou Way with McCaffrey Drive and the installation of a RRFB (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon) pedestrian crossing. Completion expected in July.

W Lakeside Street. June 24. Pavement replacement and construction of a two-way cycle track on the south side of W Lakeside St on a one-block section connecting two sides of the Bay Creek Neighborhood. Parking will be removed on the block. Sidewalks will remain open on at least one side for the duration of the project. Completion expected in mid-July.

Elver Park Path and Greentree Park Path. July 22. Repairs and culvert construction. Paths may be closed during, some or all of, construction. Completion expected in early August.

Details on these projects are available at :

It’s been an exciting, inspiring week. Don’t forget to purchase your film festival tickets and fill out the Bike Week survey. We will have more Madison bicycling news for you next week. Watch the calendar for upcoming events.

Madison Bike Week, 2024 Beth Skogen Photography –

Here’s to another great Bike Week in 2024!

As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.

Thanks to our sponsors who make our events possible!