Weekly Update

Spring: Elections and road construction

There aren’t any meetings or events coming up this week, but here’s a little news catch up and some reminders.

Catching up on news

Madison Bikes represents at the National Bike Summit

Three Madison Bikes board members – Jacob Bortell, Alicia Bosscher, and myself – attended the National Bike Summit in Washington, DC, March 11-13. This meeting is a combination of workshops, rides to see innovative infrastructure in DC, national speakers, and lobbying on Capitol Hill. It’s a great opportunity for board members to meet others from around the country, hear about programs we might want to replicate, and get information to help us push the city and country forward. Plus, we go up to talk to our Senators and House members about federal policy, funding, and legislation.

The biggest news to come out during our visit – although not good news – was the announcement that the US Department of Transportation plans to cut projects that contain bike infrastructure. We put out an action alert from the League of American Bicyclists, but we are still trying to figure out the details of the administrative memo and what this will mean for Madison. 

The Wisconsin Bike Fed wrote a good summary of our congressional visits and the two federal initiatives we were pushing. 

Renee Callaway retires

Renee Callaway – formerly the city Pedestrian and Bicycle Administrator and later promoted to Assistant Director in Traffic Engineering – retired on March 20. Renee has been working in bicycle planning, outreach, and engineering for 25 years or so. She has worked for the UW, WisDOT, the Madison Area MPO, and the city. We’ve been so lucky to have her working to improve bicycling all these years. You can read more Renee in a City of Madison post highlighting her career.

Now she’s going to enjoy more mountain biking, skiing, hiking, and general exploration. She’s got quite a travel itinerary planned, but she’ll also be around Madison a lot. Happy retirement, Renee, and thanks for all your hard work over the years! 


Spring is upon us, and that means two things: Spring elections and road construction. They can both be painful, but if you pay attention, good things (or bad) may come of the pain.

April 1 is the spring election for local and non-partisan statewide offices. We all know that “non-partisan” is in name only for statewide offices, but since we are a local group, let’s concentrate on the local elections that will most impact bicycling, housing, transportation in general, and other close-to-home issues. 

Every alder in Madison will be elected this year. In the future, half the Council will be elected each year in April. Because spring elections tend to be much lower turnout than fall elections, your vote counts even more. In 2023, one alder race was a tie, and the winner was selected by drawing a name from a hat. One more vote would have made the difference!

If you want to know more about the people that will be deciding what the city looks like, how it feels, how we can move around, and where we are going to spend money, check out this great resource that Madison Bikes board member Craig Weinhold put together. It has every candidate, their websites, the answers to questionnaires from local groups (including the one that Madison Bikes did jointly with others), and organizational and media endorsements they have received. Madison Bikes does not endorse candidates, but the answers to the questions we submitted for the joint questionnaire will give you some good information. 

The election is April 1, but you can also vote in-person absentee – aka “early vote” – at locations around the city until March 30. To see who is on the ballot, where you vote on April 1, or where to vote early, go to

Road construction

East Wilson St

Work continues on the reconstruction of E Wilson St in downtown. This will include the extension of the two-way cycle track on Wilson St. But things are going to be messy from April 2 until mid-June. E Wilson will be fully closed from King St to S Pinckney St. More information can be found on the city of Madison site.  

Seyne Rd

Work on Seyne Rd where it crosses the Cap City Trail in Fitchburg is scheduled to begin Monday, March 24. As always, there’s some flex in that date, due to coordination with local utilities. There may be disruptions to the trail crossing, and walking one’s bike across may be necessary at times. 

When a Madison Bikes Community member asked the city of Fitchburg about turning onto Seyne Rd, this was the response:
“For parts of the summer, the north/south path along Syene will be closed. I don’t have expected dates for when that will be, as it will depend on the contractor’s work schedule. We’ll be posting on social media and our website with weekly updates on closures and openings as the project progresses. The Capital City trail will remain open throughout construction, but there may be times when bikes need to be walked across the crossing with Syene.”

This is part of a larger project on Seyne Rd. If this is part of your ride or commute, you may want to check out the full project site

Get your discounts via Bike Benefits

The warmer weather is bringing out more cyclists, so we wanted to make sure Bicycle Benefits is on everyone’s radar. You can get discounts at participating businesses around town by showing your helmet with a Bike Benefits sticker. Although Madison Bikes doesn’t run the program directly, we’ve sold the stickers in the past and plan to again. 

So how does Bike Benefits work? It’s simple:      

  1. Cyclists purchase (for $5) a small Bicycle Benefits sticker for their bike helmet.
  2. Show it at a participating location in order to get a discount or reward for arriving by bike.

The sticker does not expire, and most users will agree that it’s the best $5 they’ve ever spent.  We hope that cyclists and individuals see the value in seeking out and patronizing locations that prioritize healthy transportation in the community.  It’s affirmative-transportation-action led by the most progressive local businesses.If you know a location that you’d like to see pop up on the roster, pass them the link to sign-up.  If you’d like to help us out as a volunteer ambassador or want more information on the program, send Ian Klepetar a message at

As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.

Thanks to our sponsors who make our events possible!

E-Mail Weekly Update

Pflaum, Stoughton Rd projects; bikepacking events; city job; Military Ridge detour

Door zone bike lanes on Pflaum Road?

Door zone bike lanes on an all ages and abilities street?

On Wednesday, the Transportation Commission has early feedback on the Pflaum Road project on the agenda. The agenda item doesn’t have a presentation attached yet, but there was a public meeting last week that showed a proposed layout.

Current conditions on Pflaum: No bike infrastructure at all

According to the city’s Complete Green Streets policy, Pflaum Road is on the All-Ages-and-Abilities bike network, that is, a street where policy is “to prioritize high-comfort bikeways.” However, the city is proposing to add a “door zone,” unprotected bike lane, squeezed in between car parking on one side and car traffic on the other.

You can provide comment to the Transportation Commission by emailing, or you can register to speak at the meeting:

Another item on the commission’s agenda: Reviewing the 2024 Annual Transportation Operations Report. There are lots of interesting facts and figures about transportation in Madison in the report. Among them, on page 14, is an overview of the bicycle improvements that were completed last year:

Stoughton Road North public hearing

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is hosting a public hearing about their Stoughton Road North project on MondayTuesday. This section of the project goes from Highway 30 to Anderson Road/Highway CV. A separate project covers the section south of there.

Most notably for people on bikes, WisDOT is showing a new shared use path along Stoughton Road from Highway 30 to Kinsman, and then from Hoepker north. This leaves a large gap along the airport — apparently there are some sort of FAA regulations that don’t allow a new path to be built there.

The public hearing will be at Madison College – Truax Building, Conference Room D1630, from 4 to 7 pm. You can also provide written testimony by emailing

Two bike touring events this week!

On SaturdaySunday (!), join us for our bike packing and bike touring 101 and social! The event is geared both toward folks who are curious about or new to bike packing and touring, as well as more experienced folks. We’ll have a presentation about fundamentals, and then several community members will share their experiences doing different styles of bike touring, followed by a social. We’ll be at the Goodman Center in the Merryl Lynch Room from 2 to 4 pm. You can bring your own food and drink (but no alcohol).

If you’d rather keep your biking more local, Cool Bikes North is hosting a Bicycle Show ‘n’ Tell on Local Bike Routes on Thursday.

Come by March 20th for this free event from 6-8pm, and hear what our selection of local riders and routemakers have to offer for your spring riding inspiration!

@brookecarey21 will talk about @bikegoofing in Spring Green!
@dtcoppola from @cafedomestiquemadison will share his fav route to Gibraltar Rock State Natural Area!

Ask Maia and Jen about touring the Driftless!

And that’s just a taste. It’s gonna be great, and we’d love to know you plan to attend: follow the link to our lil registration form.

Work for the city: Transportation Planner job

The city posted a job for a transportation planner job.

This position helps fulfill the mission of our agency by advancing Madison’s sustainability, safety, and equity goals through innovative transportation planning initiatives. This role leads the implementation and maintenance of the City’s Complete Green Streets policy while supporting other key transportation plans, programs, and policies. By collaborating across departments, engaging with stakeholders, and refining planning processes, this position ensures Madison’s transportation system is equitable, efficient, and sustainable.

Vote vote vote!

A quick reminder to vote in the April 1 elections! In addition to the State Supreme Court, school board, and a constitutional referendum, all seats on the city council are up for election. Madison Bikes and a couple partner orgs sent a questionnaire to all candidates to help educate voters. See their answers here:

Military Ridge closure in Verona

A lot of highway expansion projects are happening out by Epic in Verona. One of them is leading to a temporary closure of the Military Ridge Trail. WisDOT says that the work will be be done by Memorial Day and will include underpass improvements to mitigate (but not eliminate) flooding. Our board member Craig put together this visual of the closure and its detour:

Syene Rd path closure

Fitchburg is preparing to rebuild the intersection of Syene Rd, McCoy Rd, and the Cap City Trail. We’ll discuss this in more detail in future updates, but for now the path to the south is closed. Enjoy biking on Syene!

As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.

Thanks to our sponsors who make our events possible!

Action Alert E-Mail

Action Alert: Oppose a freeze on bike lane funding

Rendering of the John Nolen Drive causeway reconstruction, one of the projects at risk

Lots of things are happening at the federal level, and the League of American Bicyclists alerted us of a potential cut to any federal transportation funding that involves bike lanes. For Madison, this would likely delay or stop projects such as the John Nolen Drive Causeway reconstruction, or the dozens of projects funded through the city’s Safe Streets and Road for All grant. Please sign the petition to oppose these cuts, in Madison and nationwide. Here’s the Bike League’s message:

Sign the petition now!

Here is the Bike League’s message:

We need your help. Reports indicate that federal funding for bike lanes and other important transportation projects may be frozen soon. We know that these projects save lives. And if funding is frozen, many projects already approved for federal funding may never break ground to transform dangerous streets. Those projects already in progress will stop immediately and may never start back up again. 

Your voice matters. Help us deliver thousands of messages of support to the Secretary of Transportation. 

Tell the Department of Transportation not to freeze these critical transportation funds.  

E-Mail Weekly Update

Candidates Weigh In, Breakdown, W Wash-SW Path Plan

Using active transportation to access the Pinney Library on a brisk day.

Welcome to the update. Looks like we may be able to ditch the winter riding gear for a few days. Here’s the latest.

Council Candidates Weigh In

Spring elections (April 1) are fast approaching. All seats for the Madison Common Council are up for election.  Madison Bikes, together with Madison is for People, Madison Area Community Land Trust, Madison Bikes, Affordable Housing Action Alliance (AHAA), and Strong Towns Madison, reached out to all candidates for common council to ask them about their positions on transportation, housing, and sustainability. Answers to the questionnaire can be viewed here .

Plan for W Washington at SW Path Intersection

At the March 5 meeting, the transportation commission discussed options for the West Wash-SW path intersection. The city is required by Office of the Commissioner of Ra​ilroads to remove the rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) signal currently at the intersection and replace it with a signal that can interact with the railroad signal. This will require installation of a full traffic signal at the intersection. The committee discussed continuing the current lane reduction to 2 lanes vs increasing back to 4 lanes.

The following strategy was approved by the commission:

Remove the RRFB and install a full traffic signal at the intersection. Install a detection system to trigger the traffic signal automatically when bicyclists approach the intersection on the path.

Maintain the current lane reduction test for now. The lane reduction may be temporarily removed during the John Nolen Dr Reconstruction Project if there are safety or operational issues due to detour traffic. After the John Nolan construction is complete, permanently reduce W Washington at this crossing to 2 lanes when funding is available.

Thanks to everyone who submitted comments on this project. They do make a difference.

Shamrock Shuffle

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Dane County is adding a 10km bike ride wave to their Shamrock Shuffle event this year. The event takes place on March 15 and you can get $10 off registration with promo code MADBIKES.

Sign up at this link: To volunteer to be a course marshal or other activity, sign up here:

The Big Breakdown

This breakdown is actually a good thing. The Big Breakdown is an event where Bikes for Kids breaks down bikes that are beyond hope to make space for refurbished bikes for 2025. During the event, non-metal parts are removed, parts that can be used to restore other bikes are saved, and the rest of the bike is recycled.

The Big Breakdown happens on Tuesday, March 11, from 6 to 8 p.m. at 354 Coyier Lane in Madison.  There is even Northshore pizza for volunteers. Be sure to bring leather gloves to protect your hands from metal. For questions, call the bike center at (608) 405-0385. More information is available at .

In addition to their efforts to distribute hundreds of bicycles to new owners, Bikes for Kids is to be commended for their efforts to recycle and reuse bicycles. Their community bike disposal service is an asset to the community. Join them on Tuesday to assist them in this worthwhile endeavor.

Winter Biking Discussion in the Daily Cardinal

Winter is winding down but it’s not over yet and the mornings can still be nippy. Check out this discussion with Liz Jesse and Alicia Bosscher and the city’s Pedestrian Bicycle Outreach Specialist, Colleen Hayes, in The Daily Cardinal. . Their tips and perspectives on winter biking in Madison are worth a read, particularly if you are new to winter biking or Madison.

That’s it for this week. Lots of events happening, so be sure to check our community calendar.

As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.

Thanks to our sponsors who make our events possible!

Bike News Newsletter Weekly Update

Transportation Commission; Bikepacking Event

Welcome to the Madison Bikes newsletter. I hope you enjoyed the two week fat biking season. Well, that’s over and now it’s False Spring 2 meaning days are getting longer and bike rides are getting slightly warmer and more bearable.

Transportation Commission: W Wash and Transportation Improvement Program

Transportation Commission is meeting on Wednesday at 5 pm. The agenda includes a couple of relevant biking projects: one involving the SW Path crossing at W. Washington and the other about the Transportation Improvement Program.

During this week’s meeting, TC will give an update on the SW Path crossing alternatives. If you aren’t in the loop, the Railroad Commission is requiring that the city remove the Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon (RRFB) which was installed in 2017. Back in September 2024, following a series of crashes, this crossing was temporarily narrowed down from 4 total lanes to 2, which decreased crossing time and improved safety for users of the SW Path. Because the RRFB has to be removed, there are two alternative considerations. While both options involve adding a traffic signal to the intersection to stop vehicle traffic for path users to cross, one includes keeping the currently built 4 lanes, while the other involves curb work to permanently narrow it to 2.

The other topic on the agenda is the Transportation Improvement Program. The document lays out the potential road and path projects from 2026-2031, including street reconstructions, resurfacing projects, bikeway and sidewalk additions and improvements, and bridge repair. One notable new path planned for later this year is the bike path along the North side of North Shore Drive (opposite the existing bike path) from the SW Path to Bedford. Infrastructure projects like this path extension take a lot of planning ahead of time, so it’s necessary to plan them well in advance to better anticipate the needs of our growing city. Check out the program slides for more detailed info and all the known projects.

Bike Packing Social Event

Looking ahead to later this month, on March 23rd, Madison Bikes will be hosting a Bike Packing Social community event! We’ll be at the Goodman Community Center at 2 pm to share bike packing stories, gear tips, and get ideas churning for future adventures.

We’ll have brief show-and-tells featuring different gear setups and explanations of what you will need to pull off your own adventure. Presenters will talk about their experiences exploring northern Wisconsin, doing an ultra race around the Netherlands, riding RAGBRAI without having to worry about carrying your gear, and riding through the Alps. After that there will be plenty of time for Q&A, socializing, and planning for getting out there on the next adventure.

If you have Facebook, please let us know you can make it on the event page.

That’s all for this newsletter. Thanks for reading! Hope to see you at the bike packing event or one of our other functions this year.

As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.

Thanks to our sponsors who make our events possible!