E-Mail Weekly Update

Pflaum, Stoughton Rd projects; bikepacking events; city job; Military Ridge detour

Door zone bike lanes on Pflaum Road?

Door zone bike lanes on an all ages and abilities street?

On Wednesday, the Transportation Commission has early feedback on the Pflaum Road project on the agenda. The agenda item doesn’t have a presentation attached yet, but there was a public meeting last week that showed a proposed layout.

Current conditions on Pflaum: No bike infrastructure at all

According to the city’s Complete Green Streets policy, Pflaum Road is on the All-Ages-and-Abilities bike network, that is, a street where policy is “to prioritize high-comfort bikeways.” However, the city is proposing to add a “door zone,” unprotected bike lane, squeezed in between car parking on one side and car traffic on the other.

You can provide comment to the Transportation Commission by emailing, or you can register to speak at the meeting:

Another item on the commission’s agenda: Reviewing the 2024 Annual Transportation Operations Report. There are lots of interesting facts and figures about transportation in Madison in the report. Among them, on page 14, is an overview of the bicycle improvements that were completed last year:

Stoughton Road North public hearing

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is hosting a public hearing about their Stoughton Road North project on MondayTuesday. This section of the project goes from Highway 30 to Anderson Road/Highway CV. A separate project covers the section south of there.

Most notably for people on bikes, WisDOT is showing a new shared use path along Stoughton Road from Highway 30 to Kinsman, and then from Hoepker north. This leaves a large gap along the airport — apparently there are some sort of FAA regulations that don’t allow a new path to be built there.

The public hearing will be at Madison College – Truax Building, Conference Room D1630, from 4 to 7 pm. You can also provide written testimony by emailing

Two bike touring events this week!

On SaturdaySunday (!), join us for our bike packing and bike touring 101 and social! The event is geared both toward folks who are curious about or new to bike packing and touring, as well as more experienced folks. We’ll have a presentation about fundamentals, and then several community members will share their experiences doing different styles of bike touring, followed by a social. We’ll be at the Goodman Center in the Merryl Lynch Room from 2 to 4 pm. You can bring your own food and drink (but no alcohol).

If you’d rather keep your biking more local, Cool Bikes North is hosting a Bicycle Show ‘n’ Tell on Local Bike Routes on Thursday.

Come by March 20th for this free event from 6-8pm, and hear what our selection of local riders and routemakers have to offer for your spring riding inspiration!

@brookecarey21 will talk about @bikegoofing in Spring Green!
@dtcoppola from @cafedomestiquemadison will share his fav route to Gibraltar Rock State Natural Area!

Ask Maia and Jen about touring the Driftless!

And that’s just a taste. It’s gonna be great, and we’d love to know you plan to attend: follow the link to our lil registration form.

Work for the city: Transportation Planner job

The city posted a job for a transportation planner job.

This position helps fulfill the mission of our agency by advancing Madison’s sustainability, safety, and equity goals through innovative transportation planning initiatives. This role leads the implementation and maintenance of the City’s Complete Green Streets policy while supporting other key transportation plans, programs, and policies. By collaborating across departments, engaging with stakeholders, and refining planning processes, this position ensures Madison’s transportation system is equitable, efficient, and sustainable.

Vote vote vote!

A quick reminder to vote in the April 1 elections! In addition to the State Supreme Court, school board, and a constitutional referendum, all seats on the city council are up for election. Madison Bikes and a couple partner orgs sent a questionnaire to all candidates to help educate voters. See their answers here:

Military Ridge closure in Verona

A lot of highway expansion projects are happening out by Epic in Verona. One of them is leading to a temporary closure of the Military Ridge Trail. WisDOT says that the work will be be done by Memorial Day and will include underpass improvements to mitigate (but not eliminate) flooding. Our board member Craig put together this visual of the closure and its detour:

Syene Rd path closure

Fitchburg is preparing to rebuild the intersection of Syene Rd, McCoy Rd, and the Cap City Trail. We’ll discuss this in more detail in future updates, but for now the path to the south is closed. Enjoy biking on Syene!

As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.

Thanks to our sponsors who make our events possible!