Bike News Newsletter

Candidate questions, Safe Streets answers, heat wave

Learn about Madison’s Safe Streets initiatives, connect with city council candidates, and give your ride a bath.

New candidate questionnaire

No foolin’, spring elections are April 1. Madison Bikes has partnered with Madison is for People, Madison Area Community Land Trust, Affordable Housing Action Alliance and Strong Towns Madison on a questionnaire for Madison Common Council candidates covering transportation, housing and sustainability.

Get to know your future representatives and let them know more about you and your concerns by reading and sharing the spring candidate questionnaire when answers are posted starting March 5. Until then, you can help spread the word by asking the candidates in your district if they’ve participated in the questionnaire.

Where are we all going so fast?

What do you know about Vision Zero? How about Safe Streets Madison? For a — begging your pardon — crash course on traffic safety in Madison, look no further than this recent presentation by Yang Tao, the city’s Director of Traffic Engineering. His talk, “Prioritizing Traffic Safety for all Road Users,” was a lunch-and-learn for an audience in City Council District 7, but there’s plenty to glean about the city-wide approach to improving access and eliminating traffic fatalities.

Sneak preview: Mud season

A drastic swing in daytime temperatures will take Madison straight from the deep freeze to a bit of pseudo-spring this week. The high highs will make quick work of the snow, exposing a thick layer of grime on many bike routes.

The good news is … water is liquid at these temperatures. So, while you hang up the balaclava and that extra layer or two you’ve been wearing, considering helping your bike shed some accumulated layers of salt and fresh spatters of sand and mud with a quick shower. Just don’t forget to treat that chain (if you have one) to its own post-shower dose of lubricant to keep it loose and happy.

And enjoy some sun!

As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.

Thanks to our sponsors who make our events possible!