It’s the 2023 International Bike to work Anywhere Week! Unlike prior years, the weather for winter bike week is expected to be quite balmy with afternoon temperatures exceeding freezing most days. In celebration, the City of Fitchburg and Madison Bikes will be hosting bike commuter stations on Tuesday and Friday respectively. See below for more details…
This Week
The Transpiration Policy and Planning Board (TPPB) will be meeting at 5pm this week to primarily discuss amendments to the City of Madison Official Map to include future streets in accordance with the Odana Area Plan.
Celebrate Wisconsin Bike Week 2023 with a pit stop at the Velo UnderRound from 7am to 9am, the confluence of the Badger State and Capital City State Trails and the Southwest, Cannonball, and Military Ridge Paths! Hosted by Bike Fitchburg, the City of Fitchburg, and the Fitchburg Chamber of Commerce. Enjoy bagels and coffee, pick up Dane County bicycle maps, and get minor mechanical adjustments. Learn more about Bike Fitchburg and our local advocacy for everyone who rides or walks. Learn more…
The Transportation Commission will be meeting virtually at 5pm. One potential topic of interest for cyclist is the Davies/Dempsey Project Review and Feedback. This project follows the popular Lake Monona bike route and provides neighborhood access to Frank Allis Elementary School. Traffic Engineering is proposing a 10′ shared-use path along the entire route and a realignment of the Maher Ave. intersection improve pedestrian visibility. It would be great if you could register your support for agenda item #2, if you live in this area or use this route frequently.
International Winter Bike Day 2023!
7-9am: Madison Bikes will be hosting a bike station at the Monona Terrace (next to the bike elevator parking lot). We will have hot coffee donated by Cafe Domestique, snacks and swag!
4-7pm: Bike Happy Hour at the Settle Down Tavern’s (117 S Pinckney St.) outdoor Tundra Club! There will be Tundra Club hot toddy drink specials, solo stoves and fire pits to keep us toasty.
Learn more…
Other Topics of Interest
Elections Questionnaire from Madison Bikes
In preparation for the upcoming City of Madison Common Council and Mayoral election, Madison Bikes will be asking candidates to respond to our questionnaire about biking and transportation in Madison. We will post their responses on Feb 16th (my birthday!). We encourage you to take a look and make an informed decision about who to vote for on April 4, 2023.
Mayoral Questionnaire
- Bike Network: Madison Bikes wants all residents to have access to a low-stress bike network that makes biking safe and convenient for people of all ages and abilities, no matter where they live in the city. As mayor, what would you do to makes this vision a reality and close the current gaps in our network?
- Transportation Climate Impact: In Madison, about 40% of greenhouse gas emissions come from the transportation sector. How do you think the city should go about reducing emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
- New Policies: Over the past years, the city has implemented a number of major policy initiatives around transportation: The Metro Network Redesign, Complete Green Streets, Transit-Oriented Development, Vision Zero, and others. As a mayor, what is next? What are your major policy initiatives around transportation for the next 5 years?
Council Questionnaire
- Complete Green Streets: Madison recently adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to implementing this policy, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or inconveniencing drivers?
- Vision Zero: Madison committed to eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 14 people were killed, including 3 people riding bikes, and 74 were seriously injured. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety improvements, and what strategies would you use to ensure improvements are implemented?
- Bike Network: Madison Bikes wants all residents to have access to a low-stress bike network that makes biking safe and convenient for people of all ages and abilities, no matter where they live in the city. Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
- Transportation Climate Impact: In Madison, about 40% of greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation. How do you think the city should go about reducing emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Adventure Bike Summer Camp
This summer Bike Fed is running two youth Adventure Bike Camps (ABC). Campers will experience Madison by bike, and learn to be a safe, independent cyclist. Travel via the Capital City Trail, Southwest Commuter Path, Cannonball Path and more to explore the lakes, UW Arboretum, parks, local shops, and the city’s hidden gems!
- June 12-16th from the Madison Bicycle Center for grades 5 and 6
- August 7-11th from the Middleton Wheel & Sprocket for grades 6,7 and 8
Job Opportunity: Madison Pedestrian Bicycle Improvement Technician
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has an opening for a part-time bike/ped improvement technician covering the Madison area. Please get the word out to anyone you know who maybe interested.
The Pedestrian Bicycle Section of the Traffic Engineering Division within the Department of Transportation is looking to fill a part-time position that is a key part of making Madison one of the most bicycle and pedestrian friendly cities in the United States. The work involves direct responsibility for a range of specialized programs, projects and activities relating to the support of traffic engineering pedestrian and bicycle projects. In particular, this work involves management of pedestrian bicycle parking and other small infrastructure, assisting with gathering data and counts, assisting with pedestrian and bicycle wayfinding and other signage, and managing bike and pedestrian map creation… Learn more
As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.
Thanks to our sponsors who make our events possible!