In The News

Madison seeks to reconnect south side neighborhood through federal funding


MADISON, Wis. — Hundreds of millions of federal dollars could make their way to Madison to bridge the divide between neighborhoods on the city’s south side.

In The News

2 Wisconsin bicyclists share tips for riding in cold, snowy winter months

Robbie Webber of Madison and Laura Hrubes of Viroqua offer guidance on clothing, equipment and more

By Joel Patenaude


  • Friday, January 27, 2023, 8:15am
In The News

Channel 3000: Holiday Festival in Lights offers special experience for pedestrians, bicyclists

Cars made way for cyclists at the Holiday Fantasy in Lights at Olin Park on Monday, giving those on foot or two wheels one last chance to see the display for the season. […] Everyone loves (the) Holiday Fantasy in Lights, but if you’re not in a car it’s kind of like, you can go through on your bike, you can walk through, but you have to weave through the cars,” Kliems said, “so we thought it’d be great to have one day to take your time walk through, take your stroller, bike through.”
In The News

WPR: Bike Riding through Wisconsin Winters

Our board member Robbie Webber shares insights on how to keep riding year round on the WPR Morning Show.

In The News – How Madison keeps its bike paths clear through the winter


By Colton MoleskyPublished: Jan. 7, 2021 at 8:31 AM CST

In The News

Petition to keep Arboretum Drive closed to cars tops 1,000 signatures


In The News

Madison traffic lanes to close to help cyclists and pedestrians keep social distance – WKOW 27 News

Robbie Webber of the advocacy group Madison Bike says bicycle volume on city paths was high before the pandemic. People are now seeking an exercise outlet in the face of significant restrictions in an effort to thwart the spread of the coronavirus. “You throw in the need to stay six feet or more apart and you have a real problem.”

Robbie Webber

In The News

Winter Bike Fashion Show

WKOW 27 News

In The News

Madison Bikes organization hosts winter fashion show, hoping for progress with paths.

Channel 3000 visits the 2019 Winter Bike Fashion Show and interviews Robbie Webber about our organization’s efforts to expand clearing of shared use paths.

“Winter Bike Fashion Show.” WKOW 27 News, November 2, 2019.

In The News

On the south side and north side, it’s not even safe’: A tour of Madison’s bicycle inequities.

The Cap Times

Baltazar De Anda-Santana, who works for the Bike Fed in Madison and is a Madison Bikes board member, goes on a ride of Madison’s south side and shows the inequities in our city’s bike infrastructure — and bike advocacy.